Beachcombers Corvette Club
Club Information
If you presently own a Corvette, Congratulations! You are already in a Corvette Club! An automobile club that is unlike any other. Corvette drivers know they have the only true American-built sports car. With a long tradition of excellence, beginning in 1953, the Corvette has maintained its prestige of being the finest American sports car, known for performance, handling, and of course sleek design, recognized around the world. There are many ways to expand the experience of owning your Corvette. That is why Beachcombers Corvette Club was founded. . . and we are following that tradition into the 21st Century!
What is a Corvette Club?
When most people hear the word “club” they think of meetings. We are involved in much more than meetings. We participate in a wide variety of activities such as parades, car shows, fund raising events, and an extensive calendar of social events, usually involving our favorite pastime…eating. Being a member of the Beachcombers allows you to share a common interest dating back to 1953, when America was introduced to its first true home-grown sports car, the Corvette.
Why Join Our Club?
Beachcombers Corvette Club members serve as a talent and resource pool for each other, sharing experiences and Corvette knowledge. Whether you are interested in maintaining, restoring or rebuilding, concours or racing, there is someone in the club who can help with advice, information or even an extra pair of hands. Beachcombers is all about fun and the enjoyment of the Corvette legacy. We have developed special relationships with several local establishments that encourage patronage by providing discounts for parts or services. They also provide sponsorship for our club and its activities.
What is Beachcombers all about?
Beachcombers Corvette Club (BCC) is all about fun and enjoying the experience of owning, driving and maintaining your Corvette! The BCC has over 100 current members, making it one of the largest Corvette clubs on the East Coast. We are associated with the East Region of the National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC). Beachcombers participate in, and attend events up and down the East Coast. Our Annual Car Show, held each summer, brings out some of the best Corvettes from all over the Eastern Region. Proceeds from this show have been used to support charities like the Tidewater Chapter of the American Cancer Society, Relay for Life, the Seaton House Youth Shelters, and the Southeast Va Food Bank. Our monthly Club Businees Meeting is currently being held on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:15 p.m. at the VB Central Public Library, 4100 Virginia Beach Blvd.

Beachcombers Corvette Club
Membership Info
Beachcombers Corvette Club (BCC) is based in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and is a member of the National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC) East Region. The Beachcombers Corvette Club is also a member of the Car Club Council of Hampton Roads and the Virginia Peninsula Car Club Council. Our club was founded in 1982, and originated from members of other Corvette Clubs in the Tidewater area. We have over 100 families, which makes us one of the largest Corvette Clubs on the East Coast. Our membership consists of people of all ages, professions, and backgrounds. We enjoy participating in informal social outings such as Cruise-Ins, Car Shows and other Corvette related events. We have traveled to shows all up and down the East coast and met many fellow Corvette owners along the way.
Who can Join?
Anyone who owns a Corvette, whether it’s in show condition, a daily driver, or in restoration. For information about becoming a member, contact one of our club officers.
Download, complete and mail in the application from the button below.
Instructions can be found in the downloadable application. We’ll contact you with your membership details once it’s received.
*Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to complete your form digitally before printing.
Not a member yet?
Those without a Facebook account and non-members can still access our public Facebook page.
Dear Potential New Member,
I would like to tell you a little bit of what will happen when you join the largest Corvette Club in the Tidewater area. First, when you sign up online, you’ll receive letter from our President in your email, welcoming you to the club and giving you some important information. Also enclosed will be a club roster, with names and phone numbers of our members, our Standing Rules, and our Constitution. Once we receive your info, your email address will be sent to the Executive Board, who will put you on our club email listing. You should expect reminders and announcements on upcoming events, as well as other important information, so please check your email frequently. You also can check our Club Events page for upcoming events.
If you move or if any of your information changes, you can update your membership profile any time by accessing your member dashboard. In addition to your membership with Beachcombers, your dues pay for your membership with the National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC). The NCCC is a nationwide affiliation of member clubs forming a sanctioning body that oversees competition programs and provides a uniform rulebook for all clubs to compete (race and show) by. We will be sending the NCCC your information within a few weeks after we receive your application and dues. Please allow an additional 60 days for them to send you their welcome package. Feel free to visit the Eastern Region NCCC Web Site for more information.
Once you join, this is your club and it is what you make it! Please participate in as many events as you can. You will make new friends and enjoy camaraderie with other Corvette enthusiasts. We have a wide variety of people in our club, from car show lovers, to race fans, to some very technical mechanics. To quote one of our previous Presidents, “It has been my experience that if you participate in Club activities you will receive MORE benefit than the efforts you put into it.” His words are true. Enjoy your club. Please email me with any questions you may have, and again, I want to be able to say “Welcome to the club!”
V.P. Membership/NCCC Governor